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Dear BANGers, Your favorite BANG! Card Generator(B!CG) is back in full force. You can try it directly from the main menu.

I have newly programmed in B!CG:

  • Responsive design of the entire B!CG.
  • Character card - option to choose 1-7 lives.
  • I changed the logo in the upper right corner of the card (in the future I will probably move it to another place on the card and add the option to upload your own extension logo).

After obtaining all the documents, in the future I will program the following in B!CG:

  • Option to create a "Role Card".
  • Addition of all other "Features" from the new expansions for blue, green and brown cards.
  • Option to add 3 "Card Function" characters for blue, green and brown cards.
  • Creation of other cards of other extensions.
  • Custom extension logo in the upper right corner of the card.
  • In the character card, the ability to randomly generate the value and color of the card.

What simply CANNOT be done in B!CG and thus 99% never will be:

  • In the character card, you CANNOT make "Description of the card" as one field for the entire text, unfortunately the library that generates the PDF does not manage to wrap the text. - genealogie, tvorba webů - logo