Eldorado - rules v. 0.1 beta
Moderátoři: lucabil, Suzy Lafayette
- srab
- Site Sherif
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Eldorado - rules v. 0.1 beta
Download on http://www.bang.cz/index.php?op=eldorado&lang=eng
[b:57890721b9]Copyright: [/b:57890721b9]Eldorado © 2006 jidan, http://www.bang.cz
[b:57890721b9]Eldorado version[/b:57890721b9]: 0.1 beta
[b:57890721b9]Eldorado author[/b:57890721b9]: jidan
[b:57890721b9]Pictures on cards[/b:57890721b9]: from movie Lemonade Joe(Barrandov Studios)
[b:57890721b9]English translates[/b:57890721b9]: rangi
[b:57890721b9]Proofreading[/b:57890721b9]: forbidden
[b:57890721b9]PDF & box design[/b:57890721b9]: srab
BANG!™, Dodge City™, High Noon™ are trademarks of daVinci Editrice S.R.L. , Italy
[b:57890721b9]Read carefully[/b:57890721b9]:
It is allowed to do copies, prints of this file or his parts for personal usage.
It is prohibited to link directly to this file on http://www.bang.cz., it is allowed to link only to http://www.bang.cz.
It is prohibited to publish this file or parts of this file(except text on page 7) on other servers than http://www.bang.cz.
It is prohibited to publish this file or parts of this file(except text on page 7) as prints or in other forms for commercial purposes.[/i:57890721b9]
[b:57890721b9]Contains[/b:57890721b9]: 1 PDF file - 7 pages
Stack the cards before starting the game, and put the deck face side down. Sheriff faces the top card of the ELDORADO deck before he starts his turn.
The card is valid for two rounds unless not cancelled during the two rounds by an ACE (discarded or played) of a following player (must be his turn). The card is valid for the period of time unless otherwise mentioned.
If not cancelled during the two rounds, the subsequent card is faced up by a following player clockwise after Sheriff ( he is the player who can cancel even the original card of the ELDORADO deck by putting it underneath in the deck ).If somebody played an ACE in his turn, he cancel the original ELDORADO card and immediately face up the new one(in this case at the end of his turn). Another player in the game is follows the rules of the new one and simultaneously he became the player, who can face another ELDORADO card after two rounds, if ACE wasn‘t played .
[b:57890721b9]ELDORADO pack each card effect[/b:57890721b9]:
[b:57890721b9]Cavalry[/b:57890721b9] – Deputies, if they reveal their identity, they can play the BANG! card twice within random distance in one round (during the Cavalry card validity).
[b:57890721b9]Daring Challenge[/b:57890721b9] – A player who is attacked by BANG! card must defend by flipping over a card from the deck (he must not use MISSED or any other card). If a value of the flipped card is lower, player loses 1 life. If the value is higher or the same, the card has the same effect as MISSED. If the card is the same and higher, and the same color, it has the same effect on the player (who shot) as the BANG! card, and he must defend(himself) the same way.
[b:57890721b9]Dead Sheriff´s Ghost[/b:57890721b9] – Dead characters return into game just for a period of validity of the card. They draw one card, and they are eligible first to displace any of the cards laid on the table to another player ( in terms of agreement – e.g. a player must not have two weapons laid in front of him on the table etc.). None of them is allowed to be kept or discarded. Drawn card is used the usual way, but never against Sheriff. Dead characters must not hold any card in their hands. They don´t have lives, it is impossible to kill them.
[b:57890721b9]Desperados[/b:57890721b9] –Outlaws (if they dare to uncover their identity) draw three cards in the first phase of their turn. They even can use the MISSED instead of the BEER card.
[b:57890721b9]Devil´s pact[/b:57890721b9] – First player who loses his last life during effectiveness of this card, is not dead. Still in game as Outlaw with three (two) lives. He keeps this card in front of him, playing as usual, and he is allowed to use all cards except those ones recurring lives (Beer, Saloon, Tequila, Whisky, Canteen).
[b:57890721b9]Dough Badman[/b:57890721b9] - Any players except Sheriff can at the beginning of his draw, discard 2 cards and get a „life“. After that, player advances in first phase, i.e. he picks a card from the deck.
[b:57890721b9]Eldorado[/b:57890721b9] – Each player (in the 1st phase of turn) takes a card held by player next to him on the left. Second card is drawn from a card deck (laid on the table). Then, one of his card(his choice which) hands over to the player next to him on the right, and carries on the 2nd phase.
[b:57890721b9]Grave digger[/b:57890721b9] – First player who loses his last life with this card, is not dead. He becomes grave digger. The player keeps this card laid on the table as his own character card. His task is doing harm tothe rest of players (even deputies) in order to cause their death and stay in the game with Sheriff as the only ones.
Grave digger´s particular characteristics:
His skinny figure is hard to hit ´cause he´s got a permanent Barrel. Any of players will miss the target trying to shoot at Grave digger in case the first drawn card are SPADES.
Grave digger draws his first card from a random chosen player in the first stage of his turn.
He must not shoot at the rest of players.
He cannot use the BANG! card for shooting, but the MISSED one only.
He cannot be challenged for a DUEL.
In case one of players is hit by another one, Grave digger takes one card (aside his turn) from the hited player (from his hand or from those on the table) and keeps it. If he has not a card, he loses another life.
Other situations are played according to the BANG! rules (i.d. all other cards uses like the rest of players do. Players can use the JAIL, DYNAMITE, BANG! etc against him).
[b:57890721b9]Horse Stealer[/b:57890721b9] – All players with MUSTANG, APPALOOSA, SILVER, HIDEOUT in front of them on table, cannot use these cards during the ELDORADO card validity. A first player who will cancel this ELDORADO card , will take away these cards(see above) and choose one of them and keeps it in his hand, other cards are discarded to the discard deck.
[b:57890721b9]Lifetime[/b:57890721b9] – If this card is faced up by anyone, Sheriff can take and use it as Jail card on any player. The player, who has this card in front of him laid on the table, gets outta Prison by himself, or if someone else plays an ACE (i.e. cancels this ELDORADO card). Ergo, this card can lie (idle) in front of a player more than two rounds.
If Sheriff puts in front of someone Lifetime card, another ELDORADO card will be faced up within two rounds or after ACE canceling, even if this Lifetime card is still staying in front of player, nobody played ACE and these two rounds come to an end, it is possible to face up next ELDORADO card.
[b:57890721b9]Lou[/b:57890721b9] – Any of HEARTS can be played as the BEER, if you have only two lives or less.
[b:57890721b9]Mad Ride[/b:57890721b9] – Game goes on at alternately every other player. First player (who flipped over the ELDORADO card) plays as usually, the second one just draws a card (which is discarded straight away). If he can cancel the ELDORADO card(not from hand) by this card(ACE), he goes on the round, if not, the following player does as normal, another following player will be playing as the second one. Mad Ride card is not played in case there are just two remaining players. Players who were skipped over can defend (themselves) against the BANG cards as usually, even take advantage of discarded cards.
Note: It´s like every other has the JAIL card.
[b:57890721b9]Nugget[/b:57890721b9] – All players draw 3 cards in the first phase of their turn, and can have in hand a random number of cards during validity of the Nugget.
[b:57890721b9]Scout[/b:57890721b9] – All players who does not have any blue or green weapon card (in front of him), can see (during the card validity) at distance 3(players are closer).
[b:57890721b9]Sioux Chief[/b:57890721b9] – The one who plays the INDIANS card takes from each player one card from hand (if available). He picks one of them, keeps it and the rest sends to the following player in direction the game is played (further as General store). When no cards left for the last player (players), he must play (discard) the BANG! Card(shoot Indians).
[b:57890721b9]Wet Ammo[/b:57890721b9] – All players can see at distance 1 regardless the cards dispalyed on the table. An opponent to be hit is necessary to get 2 BANG! Cards.
[b:57890721b9]Winifred[/b:57890721b9] – Sheriff together with all female characters can ad 1 life point when second phase of their turns is starting.
[b:57890721b9]Wild Shot[/b:57890721b9] – A player shows his first drawn card. If SPADES, its value shows which player loses his life (in the direction of round). He can´t use the MISSED nor any other card. Counting starts from the player who is on turn(value of J, Q, K, A counts as 10).
[size=18:57890721b9] hearts = ♥
diamonds = ♦
spades = ♠
clubs = ♣
[b:57890721b9]Game example[/b:57890721b9]:
The game plays 6 players. On beginning of Sheriffs turn reveal first ELDORADO card (is valid for him too). After two rounds nobody have played ACE card. Player n.1, next player on the left in order after Sheriff, cancel out original ELDORADO card on start of his turn and immediately reveal the new one(is valid for him too). He will finnish his turn already accordance with second ELDORADO card and so on (2 round + 1player). But in next round player n.4(e.g.) plays in his turn somewhere ACE or on the end of his turn discard card of ACE. He put the old ELDORADO card underneath the deck(if somebody have not this card in front of him – Lifetime, Devil´s pact, Grave Digger) and reveal the new ELDORADO card after phase 3 of his turn.
[b:57890721b9]Instructions for printing & cuting out[/b:57890721b9]:
Print page 4,5,7. If you wish, you may try duplex printing, then use page 6 for backsides.
Cut out all cards. Cut out “box”(page 7), on white parts with black crosses put some glue and put it together. Print these rules(pages 1,2,3) and enjoy Eldorado.
[b:57890721b9]Online help[/b:57890721b9]:
We will be happy for any response on http://www.bang.cz, you can ask to everything about Eldorado expansion in forum here.
[b:57890721b9]Copyright: [/b:57890721b9]Eldorado © 2006 jidan, http://www.bang.cz
[b:57890721b9]Eldorado version[/b:57890721b9]: 0.1 beta
[b:57890721b9]Eldorado author[/b:57890721b9]: jidan
[b:57890721b9]Pictures on cards[/b:57890721b9]: from movie Lemonade Joe(Barrandov Studios)
[b:57890721b9]English translates[/b:57890721b9]: rangi
[b:57890721b9]Proofreading[/b:57890721b9]: forbidden
[b:57890721b9]PDF & box design[/b:57890721b9]: srab
BANG!™, Dodge City™, High Noon™ are trademarks of daVinci Editrice S.R.L. , Italy
[b:57890721b9]Read carefully[/b:57890721b9]:
It is allowed to do copies, prints of this file or his parts for personal usage.
It is prohibited to link directly to this file on http://www.bang.cz., it is allowed to link only to http://www.bang.cz.
It is prohibited to publish this file or parts of this file(except text on page 7) on other servers than http://www.bang.cz.
It is prohibited to publish this file or parts of this file(except text on page 7) as prints or in other forms for commercial purposes.[/i:57890721b9]
[b:57890721b9]Contains[/b:57890721b9]: 1 PDF file - 7 pages
Stack the cards before starting the game, and put the deck face side down. Sheriff faces the top card of the ELDORADO deck before he starts his turn.
The card is valid for two rounds unless not cancelled during the two rounds by an ACE (discarded or played) of a following player (must be his turn). The card is valid for the period of time unless otherwise mentioned.
If not cancelled during the two rounds, the subsequent card is faced up by a following player clockwise after Sheriff ( he is the player who can cancel even the original card of the ELDORADO deck by putting it underneath in the deck ).If somebody played an ACE in his turn, he cancel the original ELDORADO card and immediately face up the new one(in this case at the end of his turn). Another player in the game is follows the rules of the new one and simultaneously he became the player, who can face another ELDORADO card after two rounds, if ACE wasn‘t played .
[b:57890721b9]ELDORADO pack each card effect[/b:57890721b9]:
[b:57890721b9]Cavalry[/b:57890721b9] – Deputies, if they reveal their identity, they can play the BANG! card twice within random distance in one round (during the Cavalry card validity).
[b:57890721b9]Daring Challenge[/b:57890721b9] – A player who is attacked by BANG! card must defend by flipping over a card from the deck (he must not use MISSED or any other card). If a value of the flipped card is lower, player loses 1 life. If the value is higher or the same, the card has the same effect as MISSED. If the card is the same and higher, and the same color, it has the same effect on the player (who shot) as the BANG! card, and he must defend(himself) the same way.
[b:57890721b9]Dead Sheriff´s Ghost[/b:57890721b9] – Dead characters return into game just for a period of validity of the card. They draw one card, and they are eligible first to displace any of the cards laid on the table to another player ( in terms of agreement – e.g. a player must not have two weapons laid in front of him on the table etc.). None of them is allowed to be kept or discarded. Drawn card is used the usual way, but never against Sheriff. Dead characters must not hold any card in their hands. They don´t have lives, it is impossible to kill them.
[b:57890721b9]Desperados[/b:57890721b9] –Outlaws (if they dare to uncover their identity) draw three cards in the first phase of their turn. They even can use the MISSED instead of the BEER card.
[b:57890721b9]Devil´s pact[/b:57890721b9] – First player who loses his last life during effectiveness of this card, is not dead. Still in game as Outlaw with three (two) lives. He keeps this card in front of him, playing as usual, and he is allowed to use all cards except those ones recurring lives (Beer, Saloon, Tequila, Whisky, Canteen).
[b:57890721b9]Dough Badman[/b:57890721b9] - Any players except Sheriff can at the beginning of his draw, discard 2 cards and get a „life“. After that, player advances in first phase, i.e. he picks a card from the deck.
[b:57890721b9]Eldorado[/b:57890721b9] – Each player (in the 1st phase of turn) takes a card held by player next to him on the left. Second card is drawn from a card deck (laid on the table). Then, one of his card(his choice which) hands over to the player next to him on the right, and carries on the 2nd phase.
[b:57890721b9]Grave digger[/b:57890721b9] – First player who loses his last life with this card, is not dead. He becomes grave digger. The player keeps this card laid on the table as his own character card. His task is doing harm tothe rest of players (even deputies) in order to cause their death and stay in the game with Sheriff as the only ones.
Grave digger´s particular characteristics:
His skinny figure is hard to hit ´cause he´s got a permanent Barrel. Any of players will miss the target trying to shoot at Grave digger in case the first drawn card are SPADES.
Grave digger draws his first card from a random chosen player in the first stage of his turn.
He must not shoot at the rest of players.
He cannot use the BANG! card for shooting, but the MISSED one only.
He cannot be challenged for a DUEL.
In case one of players is hit by another one, Grave digger takes one card (aside his turn) from the hited player (from his hand or from those on the table) and keeps it. If he has not a card, he loses another life.
Other situations are played according to the BANG! rules (i.d. all other cards uses like the rest of players do. Players can use the JAIL, DYNAMITE, BANG! etc against him).
[b:57890721b9]Horse Stealer[/b:57890721b9] – All players with MUSTANG, APPALOOSA, SILVER, HIDEOUT in front of them on table, cannot use these cards during the ELDORADO card validity. A first player who will cancel this ELDORADO card , will take away these cards(see above) and choose one of them and keeps it in his hand, other cards are discarded to the discard deck.
[b:57890721b9]Lifetime[/b:57890721b9] – If this card is faced up by anyone, Sheriff can take and use it as Jail card on any player. The player, who has this card in front of him laid on the table, gets outta Prison by himself, or if someone else plays an ACE (i.e. cancels this ELDORADO card). Ergo, this card can lie (idle) in front of a player more than two rounds.
If Sheriff puts in front of someone Lifetime card, another ELDORADO card will be faced up within two rounds or after ACE canceling, even if this Lifetime card is still staying in front of player, nobody played ACE and these two rounds come to an end, it is possible to face up next ELDORADO card.
[b:57890721b9]Lou[/b:57890721b9] – Any of HEARTS can be played as the BEER, if you have only two lives or less.
[b:57890721b9]Mad Ride[/b:57890721b9] – Game goes on at alternately every other player. First player (who flipped over the ELDORADO card) plays as usually, the second one just draws a card (which is discarded straight away). If he can cancel the ELDORADO card(not from hand) by this card(ACE), he goes on the round, if not, the following player does as normal, another following player will be playing as the second one. Mad Ride card is not played in case there are just two remaining players. Players who were skipped over can defend (themselves) against the BANG cards as usually, even take advantage of discarded cards.
Note: It´s like every other has the JAIL card.
[b:57890721b9]Nugget[/b:57890721b9] – All players draw 3 cards in the first phase of their turn, and can have in hand a random number of cards during validity of the Nugget.
[b:57890721b9]Scout[/b:57890721b9] – All players who does not have any blue or green weapon card (in front of him), can see (during the card validity) at distance 3(players are closer).
[b:57890721b9]Sioux Chief[/b:57890721b9] – The one who plays the INDIANS card takes from each player one card from hand (if available). He picks one of them, keeps it and the rest sends to the following player in direction the game is played (further as General store). When no cards left for the last player (players), he must play (discard) the BANG! Card(shoot Indians).
[b:57890721b9]Wet Ammo[/b:57890721b9] – All players can see at distance 1 regardless the cards dispalyed on the table. An opponent to be hit is necessary to get 2 BANG! Cards.
[b:57890721b9]Winifred[/b:57890721b9] – Sheriff together with all female characters can ad 1 life point when second phase of their turns is starting.
[b:57890721b9]Wild Shot[/b:57890721b9] – A player shows his first drawn card. If SPADES, its value shows which player loses his life (in the direction of round). He can´t use the MISSED nor any other card. Counting starts from the player who is on turn(value of J, Q, K, A counts as 10).
[size=18:57890721b9] hearts = ♥
diamonds = ♦
spades = ♠
clubs = ♣
[b:57890721b9]Game example[/b:57890721b9]:
The game plays 6 players. On beginning of Sheriffs turn reveal first ELDORADO card (is valid for him too). After two rounds nobody have played ACE card. Player n.1, next player on the left in order after Sheriff, cancel out original ELDORADO card on start of his turn and immediately reveal the new one(is valid for him too). He will finnish his turn already accordance with second ELDORADO card and so on (2 round + 1player). But in next round player n.4(e.g.) plays in his turn somewhere ACE or on the end of his turn discard card of ACE. He put the old ELDORADO card underneath the deck(if somebody have not this card in front of him – Lifetime, Devil´s pact, Grave Digger) and reveal the new ELDORADO card after phase 3 of his turn.
[b:57890721b9]Instructions for printing & cuting out[/b:57890721b9]:
Print page 4,5,7. If you wish, you may try duplex printing, then use page 6 for backsides.
Cut out all cards. Cut out “box”(page 7), on white parts with black crosses put some glue and put it together. Print these rules(pages 1,2,3) and enjoy Eldorado.
[b:57890721b9]Online help[/b:57890721b9]:
We will be happy for any response on http://www.bang.cz, you can ask to everything about Eldorado expansion in forum here.
Naposledy upravil(a) srab dne 10 led 2007, 12:58, celkem upraveno 3 x.
Congratulations to all who contributed to Eldorado!
It looks very nice and I found it very funny that you added a box to cut out!
A note: People who have the German version of Dodge City by Abacus Spiele (not only an expansion, but also a stand-alone deck of cards) could use the remaining playing cards to glue their printed Eldorado cards on them.
So the backsides wouldn't be different than the other cards.
I also wonder if you have the copyrights for all the character pictures on the cards. They seem to be from Western movies.
It looks very nice and I found it very funny that you added a box to cut out!

A note: People who have the German version of Dodge City by Abacus Spiele (not only an expansion, but also a stand-alone deck of cards) could use the remaining playing cards to glue their printed Eldorado cards on them.
So the backsides wouldn't be different than the other cards.
I also wonder if you have the copyrights for all the character pictures on the cards. They seem to be from Western movies.

- srab
- Site Sherif
- Příspěvky: 610
- Registrován: 30 kvě 2005, 09:11
- Bydliště: Štětí
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
Yeap, you have right. They are from czech movie Lemonade Joe(ore on http://imdb.com/title/tt0058275/ or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemonade_Joe )
Im angry to my self that i forgot to insert authors of pictures.
I was send a email, where im asking Barrandov Studios(rights holder) about licensing these pictures on cards. I think, that it not will be a problem, cause i dont earn money on this expasion. And it will be advertise for them.
Im angry to my self that i forgot to insert authors of pictures.
I was send a email, where im asking Barrandov Studios(rights holder) about licensing these pictures on cards. I think, that it not will be a problem, cause i dont earn money on this expasion. And it will be advertise for them.
- lucabil
- Deputy Marshall Sheriff
- Příspěvky: 152
- Registrován: 28 bře 2006, 10:02
- Bydliště: Pisa, Italy
Hi everybody,
First of all many thanks to everyone involved in this piece of work, because it will give us new ways of enjoying the game!
But ... yes, there's a "but" ...
Really, really, I read the first paragraph of the rules ten times and I did not understand exactly the mechanics of the eldorado cards.
I write what I have understood, but I'm sure I'm missing something.
* If nothing particular happens a card remains active for two rounds plus 1 player.
* Every two rounds plus 1 player the active card goes underneath the eldorado deck and a new one becomes active.
* If someone plays/discards an ace in his turn, there is an anticipated card change after phase 3 of that player and from that moment we start counting two rounds plus 1 player.
In case of lifetime, Grave Digger and Devil's pact, there could be more than one active card. So which is the card affected by a played/discarded ace?
In future I think I'll have more questions, but for now I would like to undrestand just the basic mechanism ...
Thank you in advance
First of all many thanks to everyone involved in this piece of work, because it will give us new ways of enjoying the game!

But ... yes, there's a "but" ...
Really, really, I read the first paragraph of the rules ten times and I did not understand exactly the mechanics of the eldorado cards.
I write what I have understood, but I'm sure I'm missing something.
* If nothing particular happens a card remains active for two rounds plus 1 player.
* Every two rounds plus 1 player the active card goes underneath the eldorado deck and a new one becomes active.
* If someone plays/discards an ace in his turn, there is an anticipated card change after phase 3 of that player and from that moment we start counting two rounds plus 1 player.
In case of lifetime, Grave Digger and Devil's pact, there could be more than one active card. So which is the card affected by a played/discarded ace?
In future I think I'll have more questions, but for now I would like to undrestand just the basic mechanism ...
Thank you in advance
- lucabil
- Deputy Marshall Sheriff
- Příspěvky: 152
- Registrován: 28 bře 2006, 10:02
- Bydliště: Pisa, Italy
If a deputy reveals its identity, while the Cavalry is active he can shoot two bangs instead of one, and at any desired distance ... correct?
Daring Challenge
When the rules say"value ... is lower", "value is higher or the same", "the card is the same and higher, and the same color" it compares the flipped card with the played Bang! card ... correct?
Dead Sheriff´s Ghost
The dead characters draw only one card instead of two in their phase 1 ... correct?
What about special draw characters, like Black Jack etc? It's like the thirst effect?
When the card becomes active, the dead characters can choose one of the blue or green cards in play and change the player they belong to (only if it's legal) ... correct?
They cannot use cards against the sheriff, so what about general effect cards like Gatling etc?
They have to discard ther entire hand in their phase 3 ... correct?
What about players that die DURING the validity of the card?
What about special draw characters, it's like the Train effect?
Devil´s pact
The player affected becomes an outlaw, regardless of what he was before ... correct?
He has three life if its character has four, two life if its characters has three ... correct?
He cannot use Saloon or Tequila, but is he affected by them, if played by another player?
Grave digger
The affected player loses its original character abilities ... correct?
The affected player wins the game only if he remains the only player alive with the sheriff alive ... correct?
If the affected players has a Barrell in play he can flip two cards to obtain a Missed! effect, but he should declare which one is the card of its ability and which one is the barrell card ... this is just an opinion
The player from which he draws his first card is chosen randomply with any means ( a die or whatever) and if the selected player has no cards in hand, no card is drawn (anyway, the second card is still taken from the deck)
"He must not shoot at the rest of players." means only Bang!, or any card with a Bang effect?
"He cannot use the BANG! card for shooting, but the MISSED one only." ... just means he can use Missed cards normally I suppose
Other questions will follow ...
If a deputy reveals its identity, while the Cavalry is active he can shoot two bangs instead of one, and at any desired distance ... correct?
Daring Challenge
When the rules say"value ... is lower", "value is higher or the same", "the card is the same and higher, and the same color" it compares the flipped card with the played Bang! card ... correct?
Dead Sheriff´s Ghost
The dead characters draw only one card instead of two in their phase 1 ... correct?
What about special draw characters, like Black Jack etc? It's like the thirst effect?
When the card becomes active, the dead characters can choose one of the blue or green cards in play and change the player they belong to (only if it's legal) ... correct?
They cannot use cards against the sheriff, so what about general effect cards like Gatling etc?
They have to discard ther entire hand in their phase 3 ... correct?
What about players that die DURING the validity of the card?
What about special draw characters, it's like the Train effect?
Devil´s pact
The player affected becomes an outlaw, regardless of what he was before ... correct?
He has three life if its character has four, two life if its characters has three ... correct?
He cannot use Saloon or Tequila, but is he affected by them, if played by another player?
Grave digger
The affected player loses its original character abilities ... correct?
The affected player wins the game only if he remains the only player alive with the sheriff alive ... correct?
If the affected players has a Barrell in play he can flip two cards to obtain a Missed! effect, but he should declare which one is the card of its ability and which one is the barrell card ... this is just an opinion

The player from which he draws his first card is chosen randomply with any means ( a die or whatever) and if the selected player has no cards in hand, no card is drawn (anyway, the second card is still taken from the deck)
"He must not shoot at the rest of players." means only Bang!, or any card with a Bang effect?
"He cannot use the BANG! card for shooting, but the MISSED one only." ... just means he can use Missed cards normally I suppose
Other questions will follow ...

some answers
If a deputy reveals its identity, while the Cavalry is active he can shoot two bangs instead of one, and at any desired distance ... correct?
Yes. Correct.
Daring Challenge
When the rules say"value ... is lower", "value is higher or the same", "the card is the same and higher, and the same color" it compares the flipped card with the played Bang! card ... correct?
…value is the same, higher, and the same color (♥,♥ or ♣,♣ or,… etc), it compares the flipped card with the played BANG! against first player.
Dead Sheriff´s Ghost
The dead characters draw only one card instead of two in their phase 1 ... correct?
Yes. Correct.
What about special draw characters, like Black Jack etc? It's like the thirst effect?
Black Jack (and other characters) is dead. Theyâ€
some answers
If a deputy reveals its identity, while the Cavalry is active he can shoot two bangs instead of one, and at any desired distance ... correct?
Yes. Correct.
Daring Challenge
When the rules say"value ... is lower", "value is higher or the same", "the card is the same and higher, and the same color" it compares the flipped card with the played Bang! card ... correct?
…value is the same, higher, and the same color (♥,♥ or ♣,♣ or,… etc), it compares the flipped card with the played BANG! against first player.
Dead Sheriff´s Ghost
The dead characters draw only one card instead of two in their phase 1 ... correct?
Yes. Correct.
What about special draw characters, like Black Jack etc? It's like the thirst effect?
Black Jack (and other characters) is dead. Theyâ€
Hi, Eldorado seems like a great expansion, but I have some questions:
"Each player (in the 1st phase of the turn) takes a card held by the player on his left" - Do all players do this action on each player's turn or does the current player only do it on his turn? Is it the same when the card is passed right?
The card says the player can get out of jail normally; does this mean that it works just like a regular Jail card (draw a heart and get out, otherwise its discarded)? If this is the case, how can it stay in play for more than one turn?
Mad Ride:
It says the skipped players can take advantage of the discarded cards. What does this mean?
"Each player (in the 1st phase of the turn) takes a card held by the player on his left" - Do all players do this action on each player's turn or does the current player only do it on his turn? Is it the same when the card is passed right?
The card says the player can get out of jail normally; does this mean that it works just like a regular Jail card (draw a heart and get out, otherwise its discarded)? If this is the case, how can it stay in play for more than one turn?
Mad Ride:
It says the skipped players can take advantage of the discarded cards. What does this mean?
- Příspěvky: 1
- Registrován: 01 pro 2009, 21:59
Hi everybody! Me and my friends want to try Eldorado Expansion because we think it could be really funny.
Before starting playing we want to know, about Grave Digger, if the sheriff win if remain alive with Grave and in case he remain with him (Grave) and a deputy, if the law have to "massacre" Grave.
"He must not shoot at the rest of players." means only Bang!, or any card with a Bang effect?
I think INDIANS and DUEL may be not considered "card with a BANG! effect"...or not?
Thank you in advance!
Before starting playing we want to know, about Grave Digger, if the sheriff win if remain alive with Grave and in case he remain with him (Grave) and a deputy, if the law have to "massacre" Grave.

"He must not shoot at the rest of players." means only Bang!, or any card with a Bang effect?
I think INDIANS and DUEL may be not considered "card with a BANG! effect"...or not?

Thank you in advance!
- Suzy Lafayette
- Moderator
- Příspěvky: 201
- Registrován: 25 úno 2007, 14:29
- Bydliště: Macerata, Italy
Hi, I'm not so helping as I do not use to play this unofficial expansionPsycho Killer píše:Hi everybody! Me and my friends want to try Eldorado Expansion because we think it could be really funny.
Before starting playing we want to know, about Grave Digger, if the sheriff win if remain alive with Grave and in case he remain with him (Grave) and a deputy, if the law have to "massacre" Grave.

It looks like a strange matter to me:
I would guess the game end when the Sheriff and the Grave are the last two players alive, in this case the Grave wins, and the Sheriff I think too.
But in your second example (with a Deputy still alive too) the game should not be ended yet, the Grave "has still something to do" (kill the Deputy). But what about the Sheriff? He should have already won the game in any case. This really cannot be.
IMHO the target of the Grave should be changed into "remain the last player alive".
they literally should not, but I guess the purpose of the Grave card was to not let him shoot in any case, just steal cards e bring others to death when they are without cards in hand.Psycho Killer píše: I think INDIANS and DUEL may be not considered "card with a BANG! effect"...or not?
Thank you in advance!
Of course I may be totally wrong