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High Noon with Fistful?

Napsal: 19 čer 2007, 13:23
od Jim
If both are being used, are they supposed to be mixed together?

Or are they supposed to be used separately? Therefore having one of each in play at all times.

Napsal: 21 čer 2007, 08:25
od lucabil
There are many ways to do that ...

In my playgroup we use both in parallel, so that every turn there are two active cards (one from HN and one from AFOC). We also have rules for when there is conflict (one of them or both is meaningless becasue of the other).

Napsal: 22 čer 2007, 11:55
od Suzy Lafayette
In my group we mix them, using the cards High Noon and A Fistful of Cards like the other ones: so just for 1 turn.

Napsal: 23 čer 2007, 08:57
od srab
We don't play HN , only AFOC. It is more fun with AFOC. When you mix both decks, you must despatch one of these cards "High Noon" or card "A Fistful of card". Cause both in one game is total annihilation.

Napsal: 29 dub 2008, 21:51
od Emiliano
You can mix them or playing with two effects at the same time (causing lot of chaos on the table indeed). However, if you mix them the AFOC or HN card will happen too far in the game.
My preferred way is thus as follows.
Mix the two decks removing AFOC and HN cards first. Shuffle the new deck and take out the first 12 (or 13, or 14, or 15...) cards. Add to them either AFOC of HN, randomly choosing it (and without revealing anything). Remove the remaining cards from the game.
Now you can play with a deck of a comparable size to that of original AFOC or HN, without knowing the devastating final card and which cards will be included (and which won't be).
If you want, you may be sure to include the Ghost Town and Dead Man cards in the deck -- they seem to be among the most wanted cards of the two sets.

A compromise..

Napsal: 11 dub 2009, 14:39
od dakgadan
When we play, both packs are in game. When a sheriff is on turn, he flips over one card from "high noon" pack and it affects the game for one round as usual. In his next turn he simply flips over a card from "a fistful of cards" pack which affects the game for one round as well.
To put it simply, the packs just take turns. The "High noon" card is played after every card from both packs was played - it is played as the last one and stays for the end of game.